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  • Walk through our interactive exhibits to learn about the Manhattan Project, the Lab’s work on national nuclear defense, and the Lab’s research in life sciences, material sciences, space, supercomputing, energy, and the environment.

    History Exhibits

    • WWII and the Manhattan Project

      The in-depth timeline shows WWII events, along with Manhattan Project work and accomplishments. Each description is enriched with artifacts, videos, a guide to historic properties at the Lab, and badge photos of Los Alamos Laboratory luminaries. Browse the museum’s online collections of Manhattan Project artifacts.

    • Manhattan on the Mesa

      Not able to visit the Manhattan Project National Historical Park at Los Alamos properties in person? Learn about the properties and their specific functions in this exhibit.

      Brad Exhibits Subpage Manhattan Mesa Landing
    • A New Look at Trinitite

      Learn how this man-made mineral was formed by the Trinity Test. The exhibit features samples of Trinitite, the animals that helped to discover Trinitite’s origin (clue: they are nature’s “miners”), and a sample from Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, where the Soviet Union tested their version of the Gadget.

    Also, don’t miss:

    Fat Man Fireset image

    Fat Man Fireset

    One of only 283 made, this original fireset shows the technological and engineering tour de force that was the Manhattan Project.

    Manhattan Project Artifacts image

    Manhattan Project Artifacts

    These uniforms were worn by a couple who worked, met and wed here during the Manhattan Project. See other original artifacts throughout the gallery.

    They Changed the World image

    They Changed the World

    Photographs and bios of people you may have not heard of, created by photographer AJ Melnick. These are the Everyman and Everywoman who made Project Y a success.

    Defense Exhibits

    • Mission: Nuclear Deterrence

      The Lab’s central mission is to enable the U.S. to have a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent. Learn about this mission, what a nuclear weapon is, how weapons are fielded by the nuclear triad, and what and where the Nuclear Security Enterprise performs Stockpile Stewardship. This exhibit is highly interactive! View a simulation of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Can you make the best choices throughout the crisis to avoid nuclear war?

    • 50 Years of Nuclear Safeguards

      For over 50 years, the Lab has been enabling nuclear safeguards around the world. Learn about the technology the Lab invented to surveil nuclear materials and how the International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors do their work to promote global security.

      Brad Exhibits Defense 50 Years Safeguards Landing
    • Nuclear Explosion Monitoring

      “Trust but verify” means we stay vigilant and observe nuclear explosions around the world. The earth literally “rings” like a bell when an explosion occurs, and this exhibit on Nuclear Explosion Monitoring explains what happens and how we sense it. Sit in the Seismic Seat to feel how earthquakes, chemical explosions, and nuclear explosions propagate through the earth.

    Also, don’t miss:

    The Science of High Explosives image

    The Science of High Explosives

    High explosives are necessary for nuclear weapons to work. Explore how Lab scientists perfect better, less sensitive explosives.

    Radioactive Source Recovery image

    Radioactive Source Recovery

    There are many uses for nuclear materials. When they have finished their service to industry or medicine, what happens then? The Lab has a program for that!

    Underground Nuclear Tests in Nevada image

    Underground Nuclear Tests in Nevada

    Before Stockpile Stewardship the U.S. performed almost 1,000 nuclear tests. Explore this work and history.

    Research Exhibits

    • Supercomputing

      Supercomputing has evolved hand-in-hand with the US nuclear deterrent. See the evolution of this technology from Manhattan Project days up to today. Women have been an integral part of this history; explore the timeline of their work and accomplishments.

    • Nanotechnology

      The Lab’s Center for Integrated Nanotechnology explores what kind of work can be done at the nano level, where atoms interact with other atoms. View the techniques for doing this work that explores how materials are actually made atom by atom.

      Screenshot 2024 01 17 at 7.08.54 Am
    • Building Immunity

      Biosecurity research–to understand immunity, disease spread, and the evolution of viruses like influenza and HIV–is also part of the Lab’s work. Explore what the Lab does in this area, enabled by our supercomputing capabilities.

    • Environmental Research & Monitoring

      The Lab campus occupies 40 square miles and shares this space with over 2,000 archaeological sites, historic properties, threatened and endangered species, and a natural environment that must be protected. See what’s at the Lab and how we embrace environmental compliance fully while accomplishing our global security goals.

      Enviro Research
    • Understanding Radiation

      Fundamental to the Lab is working with radioactive materials and leveraging their decay. How does decay happen, what kinds of radiation are there, how do we use radiation in common technologies, and what kinds of radiation do we all experience? Find the answers in this exhibit.

    Also, don’t miss:

    Timeline: LANL and World Events image

    Timeline: LANL and World Events

    The Lab’s history has been made from many events and discoveries under many leaders. Follow this timeline to see what occurred when with who in charge.

    Los Alamos Neutron Science Center image

    Los Alamos Neutron Science Center

    Find out how the Lab’s proton linear accelerator works and what jobs it does for assaying and understanding materials.

    Climate Perspectives image

    Climate Perspectives

    Explore changes in permafrost through art including poetry, photos, fine art, and music to gain a new perspective on this global security issue.

    From Algae to Biofuels image

    From Algae to Biofuels

    Find out how the Lab engineers “designer” algae adapted specifically to regional conditions to supply biofuel grown right where it is needed.

    The Ribosome Machine image

    The Ribosome Machine

    See how Lab researchers used imaging studies and the Lab’s supercomputing capabilities to simulate ribosomes building proteins like 3D nanoprinters.

    R&D100 Awards: LANL Entries image

    R&D100 Awards: LANL Entries

    View some of the Lab’s latest additions to groundbreaking technologies as lauded by the R&D 100 awards.

    Bradbury Science Museum

    1450 Central Avenue | Los Alamos, NM 87544 | (505) 667-4444 

    Open: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, 1-5 p.m.

    Closed: Mondays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day

    Free Admission

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