Their mission: develop an atomic weapon before Nazi Germany. General Leslie R. Groves selected J. Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist from the University of California at Berkeley, as the scientific project director. This unprecedented undertaking required revolutionary science, engineering, technological innovation, and collaboration between civilians and military personnel from diverse backgrounds.

"These photos are an important part of the Lab’s past. The Manhattan Project was the start of the Lab we know today. Plus, that workforce was the first to dedicate themselves to our national security mission."
- NSRC Senior Historian Alan Carr


Historical Badge Restoration - Oppenheimer Before & After
Oppenheimer Before & After

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a recent large-scale restoration project yielded about 1.4 million of them — not to mention a lot of refreshed faces.

The badge photos of more than 1,400 of the Lab’s Manhattan Project workers, including our most-famous scientists J. Robert Oppenheimer, Emilio Segrè, and others had 75-plus years of built-up grime on them. Adhesive tape residue, bits of mounting materials, and environmental filth, like dust, caused many of these historic images to discolor...

Read more Before and after: Newly restored badge photos from the Lab’s original workforce


Badge Index

Babcock, Hester

Baca, Benito

Baca, Cecilia

Baca, Felipe

Baca, Joe E

Baca, Romero

Bacheller, John T

Bacher, Jean Dow

Bacher, Robert

Bacon, Edwin D

Bailey, Dilver S

Bainbridge, Kenneth T

Baitler, Joseph C

Baker, Charles P

Baker, Nelson C

Baker, Richard D

Bakes, Stanley

Balagna, John P

Balch, Paul L

Balch, Sherman Lague

Balke, Claire C

Balke, Elizabeth

Bango, Emil

Barker, Paul L

Barkin, Thelma B

Barnard, George L

Barnett, Henry L

Barney. Leroy

Barr, Clifton V

Barr, Harold C

Barr, William A

Bartholy, Frederick E

Bartlett, Albert A

Bartram, Aubrey E

Batley, Lee G

Baudino, John M

Bauhelder, Myrtle C

Bayless, Clifford C

Beach, Harry

Beacham, Arlene M

Beacham, Dora Faye

Beamer, William H

Bearde, Roy R

Bearden, Patricia E

Beeny, Evalyn K

Bemis, Clara May

Bennett, Mary A

Benoit, Thomas H

Berry, Athena V

Berry, Hubert H

Berry, Louis Milton

Bethe, Hans

Bethe, Rose S

Betz, Carl H

Bevan, Clement J

Bifano, Natale J

Billings, Franklin J

Birch, Lt Comdr A F

Black Wilma E

Blair, J Morris

Bleakney, Max R

Blechar, Theodore Joe

Bluestein, Ben

Boak, Bert E

Boaz, Harold E

Bolstad, Milo M

Bonbrake, Lawrence

Booth, Rexine S

Borgel, Stella Anton

Bornemann, Frank

Bosnjak,Raymond J

Bowen, Cpl. Harold E

Bowen, Elmer R

Bowen, Louise

Bowen, William R

Bowers, Wayne A

Bradbury, Norris E

Bradford, Rebecca May

Blechar, Theodore Joe

Bonbrake, Lawrence

Bosnjak, Raymond J

Bradner, Hugh

Bradner, Marjorie

Brady, Willis T

Brandt, James R

Brazier, Bermis E

Breadhead, Thomas L

Bresler, Sidney A

Breslow, B Arthur

Bretscher, Egan

Brewer, Winnie F

Brickhouse, Alethed E

Bridge, Herbert S

Bridge, James Anderson

Brixner, Berlyn

Brockman. Henry C

Brockman, Violet J

Brode, Bernice B

Brode, Robert B

Brommer, Esther V

Brooks, Edwin

Brooks, Glen W

Brooks, Jack E

Brooks, Melvin L

Brown, Clarence J

Browning, William E

Brumbelow, George L

Bryant, Edward A

Bryce, Hugh G

Bryce, J R Laverne

Buchanan, James O

Buell, Harold C

Burditt, William F

Burke, Joseph E

Burley, Charles W

Bush, Howard C

Bush, Spencer H

Bushea, Dadid N Jr.

Bustos, Abran

Butler, Stephen A

Butrimo, Anne A

Hageman, Paul O

Haggman, Phil C

Hahn, Oliver M

Haley, Jano_W

Haley, Robert M

Haley, Ruth C

Hall, Stanley

Hall, Theodore A

Halloway, Marshall G

Hammel, Edward F

Hane, Wilber A

Hane, Wilbur

Hannon, William H

Hansen, George E

Hansen, Karl W

Hansis, Mary M

Hanson, Alfred O

Harget, Thurmon W

Harjo, Marion D

Harmon, Kent M

Harper, Keith

Harper, Mack V

Harper, Virginia B

Harris, Reggie

Harris, Roy T

Harris, Virgil A

Harrison, William B

Hart, Everett L

Hartley, G W

Hathaway, Howard E

Hauser, Frederick H

Hawkins, Clifford A

Hawkins, David

Hawkins, Opal P

Hayes, Gertrude W

Hayes, Okla B

Hays, Leonard A

Healy, Donald J

Healy, Mary T

Heele, Julia M

Hefner, Bonnie

Hekman, Jacob

Helgesen, Thorkel G

Helmholz, Alice B

Helmholz, Lindsay

Helsel, Orville R

Hempelmann, Elinor

Hemplemann, Louis H

Henderson, Keith W

Henderson, R W

Hendry, Charles E

Hermann, Dorothea M

Herrera, Ramon A

Hershey, Alan V

Hesch, Louis

Hesch, Mary C

Heydorn, Jane

Higginbotham, William A

Hill, George O

Hiller, Muriel M

Hilton, Elmer L

Hinsen, Ella R

Hirschfelder, Joseph

Hirsh, Harold

Hirt, Robert C

Hites, Donald E

Hittell, John L

Hoch, Alva G

Hodges, Warner

Hoffman, Frederic de

Hoffman, Joseph G

Hofmann, Josef A

Holden, Frank C

Holland, Hugh R

Holtz, Catherine E

Honest, Joe

Honeyfield, Lois

Hoogterp, J Carlton

Hopper, Donald

Hornig, Lilli S

Hoschwalt, Carroll A

Houghton, Mary Alice

Howard, Kay S

Howes, Robert I

Hubler, James M

Hudgins, William G

Hudson, Donald

Huene, Theodore F

Huffines, Robert A

Hughes, Arthur L

Hughes, Patsy R

Hughes, Richard B

Hull, Clement M

Humnel, Harold T

Hunter, Billy H

Hunter, Robert P

Hurst, Arthur S

Hush, James M

Hush, Victoria J

Machen, Arthur B

Mack, Julian E

Macrae, Frank L

Maes, Daniel

Maes, Juan de la Cruz

Maes, Mary J

Maestas, Celestino

Maestas, Jimmy

Maestas, Juan L

Magee, John L

Magel, Theodore T

Maguire, John H

Mainhardt, Robert

Manley, John

Manley, Kathleen B

Markus, Clarence

Marshak, Robert E

Marshall, Donald G

Marshall, Powel P

Marshman, Wendell E

Martin, Allan E

Martin, Amos R

Martin, Don S

Martin, Gordon M

Martinez, Alejanbro

Martinez, Anita M

Martinez, Antonio J

Martinez, Benceslado

Martinez, Benjamin

Martinez, Eugenio

Martinez, Facundo

Martinez, Roman

Martinez, William G

Marvin, Robert S

Mastick, Donald F

Mastick, Phyliss B

Mathis, Gilbert P

Mathis, Norma W

Maxwell, Charles R

Maxwell, Elizabeth S

McAlister, Gertrude M

McChesivey, John G

McChesivey, Marilyn S

McClaskey, Austin

McClenahan, Henry I

McCloat, Arnold P

McConaghy, Chester

McCord, Irvin G

McCune, Mary H

McDaniel, Boyce D

McDaniel, Jane G

McDougall, John A

McGee, Henry M

McIntyre, Marvin V

McKee, Leonard B

McKibbin, Dorothy S

McKibbin, Joseph L

McKie, William K

McMillan, Edwin M

McNamara, Anarita

Mears, Nell L

Medina, George

Medina, Seriado

Mefford, Harry O

Melton, Horace J

Menken, Homer E

Mequarie, Neal B

Messinger, Harry

Messinger, Monroe

Metropolis, Nicholas

Metz, Charles F

Metz, Charles V

Metzger, Sidney

Midney, John H

Miller, Avis D

Miller, Donald R

Miller, George F

Miller, Guy

Miller, Herbert I

Miller, Jerome C

Miller, John P

Miller, Mary L

Miller, Raymond L

Miller, Russell B

Milligan, Harold F

Minaus, Sidney W

Mingo, Russell H

Minkkinen, Carl O

Miskel, John A

Mitchell, Dana P

Mitchell, Marjorie V

Mobley, William A

Montoya, Joe

Montoya, Procapio

Montoya, Ramon L

Montoya, Santiago

Montoya, Vincente

Moon, Philip

Moon, Winifred F

Moonan, Ethel G

Moonan, John T

Moore, George E

Moore, Mary E

Morgan, Douglas W

Morgan, Frank

Morgan, Freda E

Motichko, Leonard

Mouk, Henry

Moulton, George H

Mueller, Donald W

Mulcahey, Tom J

Mullane, Daniel J

Mullaney, Joseph F

Muller, Howard E

Muluihill, Helen E

Muncy, Bernice I

Muney, J A Duane

Munroe, Ruby B

Murphy, William L

Murray, James P

Murray, Joseph R

Myers, Wilbert H

Saak, Fred H

Sackheim, Robert B

Safferstein, Nathan C

Salazar, Jose

Salfingere, Frank

Sanchez, Juan C

Sanchez, Rachel L

Sanchez, Ubaldo

Sandoval, Alfanso

Sandoval, Antonio

Sandoval, Felix P

Sandoval, Jose M

Sandoval, Sam

Sands, Elizabeth M

Sands, Matthew, L

Sargent, Evelyn L

Schaeffer, George E

Schafer, Dorothy E

Schafer, William D

Schaffer, Robert

Schaffer, Rubie B

Schalia, Clarence A

Schallis, Charles A

Schallis, Hennie J

Scharing, Clara

Schauffler, David J

Schelberg, Arthur D

Schelberg, Margaret

Scherer, Jay V

Scheurer, Edmund J

Schmanoff, Eugene

Schneider, Betsy M

Schneider, Edwin C

Schneider, Helen

Schnettler, Frank J

Schoonover, Irl G

Schreiber, Raemer E

Schroeder, Charles

Schultz, Gus H

Schulze, Heri T

Schulze, Mary E

Schwartz, Ethel L

Schwartz, Manuel

Schwartz, Mortimer

Scivally, William L

Seagondollar, L W

Seagondollar, Winifred E

Segre, Emilio

Seligman, Jake

Serber, Charlotte

Serber, Robert

Serduk, James T

Serna, Enareo

Sesko, Bernard C

Seybolt, Alan U

Shane, Charles D

Shapiro, Maurice M

Shaw, Arthur W

Shaw, Travis B

Sheldon, Dike

Shepherd, Calvin S

Shields, Duren H

Shoemaker, John

Shoemaker, L Dwight

Shuler, Irma E

Simonsen, Constance L

Skaggs, Lester S

Skripsky, Stanley

Slatin, Harvey L

Small, Rosalin A

Smith, Cyril

Smith, Harold H

Smith, Jack C

Smith, Samuel W

Smoot, Jeanne E

Sniegoski, Angeline

Snoday, John H

Snow, Chester

Solano, Jose T

Spangler, Wilma H

Speck, Lyde

Spence, Roderick W

Sperling, Marie

Sperling, Paul

Spring, Earl F

Spruill, Floy E

Stallings, Charlie C

Stang, Robert F

Stark, Leston B

Stark, Richard H

Starner, John W

Staub, Erika H

Staub, Hans H

Steiner, Albert C

Steinhardt, Ralph G

Stewart, James

Stewart, Stanley

Stewart, Willliam R

Stokes, Fredric E

Stokes, Helen B

Stone, Eleanor C

Stoner, Ester L

Stout, John W

Stout, Patrick

Stranaham, Glen B

Strandholm, Frances E

Streib, John F

Strickland, Richard D

Stroke, Frederick G

Stroud, William G

Struebing, Vernon O

Sturgess, Lorene L

Sturgess, Robert G

Suazo, J, Krank

Sullivan, John H

Sullivan, William G

Sutton, Roger B

Swank, Margaret E

Swanson, Arnold E

Swanson, Gunhild M

Swanson, Swan B

Swinehart, Donald F

Swoboda, Frank H

Sylvester, Winfield L

Syvester, Queenabelle

Syder, Thomas M